Custom Foils Company, Division of CWC Industries, Inc., manufactures its products as consistently as it possibly can, and approves each shipped product as it passes through our proprietary internal tests.  However, Custom Foils makes no warranty or guarantee of any kind, express or implied, concerning desired results or suitability of our product for any particular application, either upon use or after use, and either singly or in combination with other materials and/or processes.  Our products have not been approved nor disapproved for any specific application.  With respect to our products, the customer must fully and continually evaluate, determine, and approve the suitability: for their own use, for the protection of the environment, for the health and safety of all in contact with our products, and for the successive purchasers of their products.  If there is a problem arising from the use of our products, the maximum liability of Custom Foils is, limited only to the replacement of the foil or a refund of the foil purchase.  These terms and conditions supersede all purchase orders. 

Without notice, we reserve the right to change content or conditions at any time on this entire website.


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